1. Link to PDF Instructions for MyEd Student/Parent Portal Page:
2. Link to video outlining a login from the start is available here:
Contact Person:
Mr. Godfrey (one of our Vice-Principals) is the contact person for having your account reset if you're getting the message about your account being disabled then you want to email him at [email protected]
1. Please choose a password with your child that BOTH you and they know, so that people aren't reseting it on each other, or locking each other of the account.
2. Use the MyEd portal page to see student schedule in mid-late August (around the 20th).
3. Remember to save any copies of report cards you want to keep as new ones wipe out old ones.
Full disclosure... both of these links were made in the Victoria School District, but they use the same software as us in VSB, and I know the guy who made them, so I don't think we'll get sued :)