So you're asking yourself, how can I help!? Two great ways!
1. We're collecting both food and non-food items (see attached list) in student's 2-2 class. We have a yearly competition for this. If the student doesn't have a 2-2 class then they can bring items to the office. We're collecting from December 2nd until December 16th. We deliver the hampers from the 18th to the 20th.
2. We collect money that we use to make gift cards and buy additional items we need for the hampers. And what's awesome for parents and families is that we can give a tax receipt for any donation $20 or over!
I'd love to help and get a tax receipt, how do I do it?
1. Send your student with a cheque to drop off to their 2-2 class or Mr. Van. It needs to have your full address on it. A tax receipt for the 2019 tax year is then mailed out in January of 2020.
2. Go to the VSB Donation page and make your donation online.
Link: https://vsb.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/1869/196/false/true
Important! You need to choose a "Fund Destination" of "S-Vancouver Technical".
And in the "Message: (optional):" you should type "Holiday Hampers".

five_suggested_items_for_a_hamper.docx |