Be ready by reading the information below and visiting the VSB Summer School page @ summer.vsb.bc.ca/Pages/default.aspx
What to know:
1. Summer school signups are first come, first serve. And some go fast.
2. Van Tech is one of the summer schools kids can choose, but you can choose any school.
3. Courses that say COMPLETION mean that the student will finish the entire course in the summer.
4. Completion courses are 4 hours a day for just over five weeks. Preview courses are 2 hours a day for about four weeks.
5. There is no cost to summer school, but most courses have a text book deposit.
6. There is also ONLINE Summer School with VLN here www.vlns.ca/ which runs self-paced May 14th through the end of July. Signup between May 14 and the start of June. You can start the moment you are signed up.
Below is what is being offered. Click the link to see times, etc. The VSB Summer School page is also where you register.