Thanks to everyone who completed the survey and gave feedback about what they want to ensure is included in a Grade 12 student and parent evening. I've taken the 70 responses and written down all the questions peculating. I can promise that we'll answer all of these and more in our parent night. Here's the information for the night:
When: Thursday, October 15th from 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Where: Digitally on Microsoft Teams - Hosted on the Student Hub (students have access to this). Click HERE to join where the meeting will happen.
Who: Mr Moro (Principal), Ms Bighorn (Grad Committee), Ms Beetlestone (CLC Teacher), myself, and you! :)
Topics: Graduation, Post-Secondary, COVID, Scholarships/Bursaries/Student Aid, Grad Photos, resources/key links, and a heck of a lot more!
Please let me know if you have questions. I hope we can get 200-300 families represented.
Nick Van.