If you're looking to write a provincial exam in the April window you should contact Mr. Rutley. I've included the information here.
We will be holding Provincial Exams in April as follows:
Thursday April 7th
9:00 English 12, Science 10, AWM10 and FMP10
12:00 English 10, Science 10, AWM10 and FMP10
Friday April 8th
9:00 SS11, Science 10, AWM10 and FMP10
Students who want to write should give their full legal names and PEN #’s to Mr. Rutley ([email protected]) prior to April 6th. Students are expected to arrive 20 minutes prior to the exam with photo ID and their PEN#’s.
We will be holding Provincial Exams in April as follows:
Thursday April 7th
9:00 English 12, Science 10, AWM10 and FMP10
12:00 English 10, Science 10, AWM10 and FMP10
Friday April 8th
9:00 SS11, Science 10, AWM10 and FMP10
Students who want to write should give their full legal names and PEN #’s to Mr. Rutley ([email protected]) prior to April 6th. Students are expected to arrive 20 minutes prior to the exam with photo ID and their PEN#’s.