It's that time of year again where we are collecting funds and items to support our own families here at Van Tech. Last year, with inflation, we shot up to 130 families and the need looks like it may even be higher for 2023. We're collecting items (see poster below) from Friday, December 1st until Wednesday, December 13th in period TWO classes this year. Beyond that, we are collecting money, which allows us to get gift cards and more food for our families. The best part is that you can actually get a tax receipt for your donation as VSB has a Registered Charity Division. If you're able, here's how you can donate...
- Visit
- Select “S-Vancouver Technical” as the Fund Destination
- Write “Holiday Hampers” in the “Message to School Board” box.
If you can, watch the video and then send any questions to me at [email protected]. Thanks!!